Monday, February 07, 2005


Gooooood morning cyber world! No, I'm not in my chipper usual mood today, but I figured maybe I should just post something anyway - regardless of what I feel like.

Did you ever miss a week of work, only to come back and want to run away screaming because of the insane overwhelming amount of catch up to do? Thats how I feel right now. Overwhelmed. But, if I pluck away one task at a time, I'll be semi-caught up in no time. Now, if only I could find some motivation to do that.........

My grandfather's brother Buster passed away Saturday morning, so it'll be another fun family get together. Funny thing - Uncle Don, Granpa and Uncle Buster all passed away within a few months/weeks of each other. They were brothers, but buddies too. There's this great picture with all three of them sitting in front of the cabin, rifles in hand, all wearing some form of red and black plaid heavy wool gear (hats, pants, shirts). Its a great picture taken in November 1999 by my cousin Todd. I'm going to scan it and enlarge it because it completely personifies what my uncles were all about. And it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside from nostalgia. Its a perfect way to remember them.

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