Monday, September 11, 2006

Today is Today

I'm the sentimental type. I cry. A lot sometimes. But when I woke up this morning my thoughts weren't immediately turned to the thousands that lost thier lives in the 9/11 attack. But, throughout the day as I have been reading other's blogs and message board postings, I find it hard to keep myself from being teary eyed and choked up.

A cyber friend here in Mexico wrote a perfectly succinct passage about the memory of todays events - you can take a gander HERE.

I remember sleeping through most of the days events. Troy and I were driving back to Denver after our wedding and honeymoon - or rather he was driving and I was drifting in and out of sleep somewhere amidst the vast corn fields of Nebraska. We were listening to NPR and the effect of the radio didn't even come close to painting the picture that the images did when we saw them a day later.

I remember trying so frantically after we got home to call my friend/old college roomate Eunice's cell phone and home phone -and getting nothing but a busy signal; and sending her an email just wondering if she was OK. I knew she lived in Manhattan - I just didn't know where she was or where she worked - and since all the phone's were out I had no way of getting ahold of was such a terrible feeling. Turned out she was OK - she had another friend who worked close enough to really feel the effects though. I visited her a little over a month later - but we didn't go down and see the site - I really didn't want to.

Although it seems like a lifetime away after all the changes I've been through recently, when I read people's memories and recollections, the emotions come flooding back. I wonder if I'll feel the same way in 40 years.....either way, I know I'll never forget.

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