Thursday, July 22, 2010

Peek-A-Boo! Happy 9 months Lola

Peek-A-Boo!, originally uploaded by karintobrien.

My sweet little baby girl hit the 9 month mark on July 2 – I know, I can’t believe it either. I went into her bedroom last night to give her little (big) head a good night and to tousle her sprouting hair, and I was marveling at how much she’s grown. Yes, its her job. Yes, I’m a little wistful anyway.

We had a check up after we returned from vacation, and she’s still growing like a champ, and still at the 90-95th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference. A dainty little daisy she is NOT, but that’s just how I like her. Lots of chunk for me to nom and smootch all the live long day. I can’t remember the exact statistics, but she’s somewhere around 22 pounds, which is the only number that matters to my back anyway.

This photo is from a little early 9 month photo shoot - and I now realize I haven't uploaded any of the other shots....I guess that's what happens when you get busy and things get pushed aside to make room for other crazieness!

Anywhoozers - she's not crawling yet (hooray!) yes, I'm excited she's still stationary. Easier for me to catch, less work :) But it won't be long. She scootches herself all over the place though, on her belly, backwards, and she's really great at pushing herself back up to sitting. Even getting a little bit of up on the knees and rocking, and pulling herself up to standing. So really, I know it won't be long.

She loves to talk. A lot. To anyone and anything that will listen. And I love her little noises. Especially in the morning when she starts talking to her buddy (pictured above) in her crib. Its the most beautiful sound! It would make me laugh every morning when we were camping, because she was SO LOUD so very early each morning, but you couldn't be angry because the noises were so cute :) If only every alarm clock was so happy!

Happy 9 months little girl - I so love watching you grow!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Grandma Smootches

Ludington-296, originally uploaded by karintobrien.

One more photo from vacation! This is Lola getting some wonderful smootchies from Grandma Dora. I hope my kids enjoy all the photos I have of them with their Great-Grandma....I think I only have one, and I always thought it was pretty darn cool.

I love this photo because Lola's eyes are so blue, and her little arm is so relaxed and so CHUBTASTIC! Her cheeks are so kissable. And look how UNwrinkly Grandma is!? Amazing! She's 88-ish, and looks incredible :) I hope I get those good skin genes! Love you Grams!

What a ride!

PR-114, originally uploaded by karintobrien.

We had an amazing vacation in Michigan - filled with visits to Ludington, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (where this photo was taken at Point Betsie Lighthouse) and finally Mackinaw City for the Mayer Family Reunion.

I can't possibly list all the things we did and would take me a novel.

Suffice it to say we had a great time with our family, relaxing, and being unplugged for a while. Now, we're back in Chicago and I'm starting a new venture in life back in the corporate world. Its been an interesting few days....I'll keep you posted.

For now, I'll keep solstice in these photographs, reminders of a time not so long ago when life was more simple, and there was nothing more to do than enjoying the view of a beautiful sunset.