Tuesday, June 24, 2008


You know, I figured with this stay at home Mom stuff I would be blessed with oodles and oodles of time to find the end of the internets and in general play all day.


not so much.

I'm having a great time, truth be told, it just has reduced my computer time quite a bit, and I haven't figured out how to balance it just yet. I'll figure it out eventually, so I don't anticipate another month long absence.

So much has happened! Liam has become a LIGHTENING fast crawler....and yes, he's taken his first steps!!! A week before his 9 month birthday. Sniff. I don't think I was emotionally ready for that LOL. Here's the video proof!

We have his 9 month check up today, so I will post stats after we get home from the doctor.

Liam and I have also been enjoying many mommy meet ups through meetup.com - going to the beach, farmers markets, zoos, playgrounds and peoples houses! Its difficult sometimes, and I get frustrated with having to take the bus everywhere, but for the most part its been pretty fun. Liam is getting less and less shy, and starting to enjoy hanging out with other kiddos. I've also joined a photography meetup; my first meeting with them was at 4:15AM on Saturday to catch the sunrise on the lake. It was pretty amazing!

More photos on flickr at Sunrise Photo Set

Other news - we've put our condo on the market as of today, I think. Everyone cross their fingers and we'll see how she goes!!!!

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