Ahhhh - back from Tucson and trying to get back into the swing of things! I'm working on uploading / editing the photos from the trip....hopefully I'll be able to post them all soon!!
In a true Karin roundabout fashion (via a high school friend reconnected through Facebook turning me onto an amazing photographer in Atlanta, Ross Oscar Knight, that I stalk...er...admire) - I read a post from this man's blog and was really struck by his words:
"So many of us doubt ourselves. I know I do sometimes. We doubt our intelligence, our decisions, our spirituality, our talents, our gifts, and even our physical appearance. The truth of the matter is this: If you will gather the courage to stand and turn around, you will see your growth and be thankful for that. Some of us have bad memories that we would rather not recount, however, you must be thankful for the obstacles you have already overcome."
I think this is particularly inspiring, as I'm often one to bash myself.....once in a great while, like right now, I'm grateful for my gifts; so very thankful for who I am, who I have become, and where I am heading. Its a good feeling, and we all should take a minute to pat ourselves on the back once and a while. Try it - it feels pretty darn good!
I was corrected earlier by my dear husband, that it is not Groundhog's Day (as in President's Day, or Veteran's Day) but, in fact, not plural......but rather Groundhog Day. I know I'm a day late, but we celebrated the holiday today with our Momfia crew. I should start by saying I've never celebrated this holiday more than watching Bill Murray a time or two....I should have known we were in for some kind of treat when Jen called "dibs" on Groundhog Day last fall. She said it was one of her favorite holidays. She wasn't lying!
We arrived to Jen wearing a groundhog shirt & necklace, with Nick in a sweet groundhog bandana / hat thing. There were groundhog cupcakes, groundhog crafts, and of course, Groundhog Day playing on the TV. There were also fan club cards, napkins, and I'm pretty sure she makes some kind of groundhog shaped meatloaf for her family, but we didn't get to partake in that because it was a morning meeting :) It was quite a treat to be able to experience someone else's love/obsession for a holiday that I hadn't celebrated before! I, of course, forgot my camera for the event, but I did snap a few pics of our take home goodies! Thanks Jen for an AWESOME morning Momfia meeting!
Liam really loved the Phil Pop Up!!!
Cute Phil Ears...
Hmmm....does Phil see his shadow??? It probably doesn't count indoors, does it?
And, most importantly, Liam's membership card! Officially stamped and everything!
And, here's a video of Liam enjoying his very own Punxsutawney Phil with googley eyes. He later started dancing like Phil when I wiggled the groundhog in the cup....and he would blink his eyes to look more like googley eyes :) No video of that though :)