Monday, January 14, 2008

Babywearing USA

I really do love wearing Liam, and I know he's not going to be itty bitty forever, so I'm enjoying it now!

I've decided to branch out of my pouches and Moby wrap to include a wrap with a little more support. I found a FANTASTIC deal on Craigslist on this beautiful wrap by Ella Roo. Its just sooooo pretty!!! And, its called Kristen (who is a super awesome Chick and just happens to be my Sister In law!) Seriously - SO PRETTY!

The only bad part is woven wraps are sooooo different that the stretchies like my Moby. So its definitely a learning curve, and I don't quite love it yet. But, I'll give it a week or two, and we'll see where she takes us. I know that I can't use the Moby forever, because they don't give very much support for large kids, and since I have a Chunkasaurus Rex, I knew I'd be needing a woven soon if I was going to continue wrapping. We wore it on Saturday when we went to Shedd, and it was relatively comfy. Just needs some practice and breaking in.

I also decided to branch out to another type of carrier called a Mei Tai. I've tried a couple on, and they are pretty quick and versatile - and very comfy too! I have been lusting over this fabric called Loteria for a while, and just in general love all the Mexican Folk Art fabric - its just so cool, funky, and, well - MEXICAN! Here's a few of the samples - these are all made by Alexander Henry as part of his Folklorico Collection:
Frida, Senoritas

Loteria, Calaveras

I've been keeping my eye out on eBay and the "For Sale or Trade" boards out there, hoping something would come along in my price range, because I really can't afford to go shelling out $100 + for these carriers. I lost out on an eBay auction (by $1 - because I'm a crappy eBay-er)But I found something else a few days ago!!! I kept thinking and thinking about it - and last night I even dreamed about it. So I decided it had to be mine. Its a BBO :) OR in non-baby wearer speak, a Ball Baby Overall Mei Tai, which I'm so excited about because the design makes it feel a little more like a wrap instead of a back pack. Again, I'm STOKED because it is soooo stinkin' pretty! And FUNKY! can you see the glitter in the skulls?!?!

They are the Mexican Sugar Skulls - or Calaveras. I have a few on my bookshelf that made the trip back with me. Its not Loteria, but its the next best thing for sure - and for a great price!!!! YAY! It should be in the mail and on its way tomorrow!

And, tomorrow Liam and I have a Mommy/Baby play group with some other babywearers. I'm hoping there are some wrappin' type peeps there, who can hopefully give me some tips! I've been watching You Tube like crazy trying to learn new carries, but nothing beats a seasoned pro!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hee. I clicked on your babywearing tag and found out it was an ellaroo. :)

If you click back to my LJ and hit my babywearing tag, you'll see my stash too!
