Monday, September 12, 2005

Twas the night before surgery.....

Sheesh. I figured I would be freaking out by now. I'm really not. Its officially midnight, which means its past my "Do not eat after this time" time. I can't have water after 4AM. I'm debating wether or not I should even go to bed! I have to be at U of M by 6AM - the surgery is scheduled at 7:30AM. So, when you wake up, say a quick prayer for me :)

For those that don't know the procedure, the surgeon is taking a tendon from my patella (knee cap) and making a fake ACL to attach to my femur and fibula so my leg bones stay together and I can eventually have some turning action in my leg. Right now, forward and backward is OK, its the side to side or turning motions that kill me!

Anywho - back to why I'm not freaking out. I think part of the reason why I'm so calm about everything is Pat O'Brien's influence. He's got a laid back calming vibe about him. Earlier today, I started freaking out a bit - so I told him I'm really nervous about, he said, "well, worry about it tomorrow :)" and then gave me a big bear hug. Funny how something so simple can make me really forget my fear, if only for a moment, and be able to laugh and smile!

I'm so very fortunate that he was able to come take care of me for the week. I can think of better ways to spend my vacation than to take care of an invalid! So, not only is he using vacation time to take care of me; there's more! Here's the kicker.......he gave up his Bears vs. Lions tickets for this Sunday's game at Soldier Field. I told him he's crazy - and I also said that he's a better person than me because I don't know if I'd be able to do the same! I have to admit though - it made me feel pretty good.

Speaking of feeling good....I'm pretty sure I'll have vicodin when I come home, but last time I had that (when my wisdom teeth were pulled) I really didn't like it too much. Sure, it makes the pain go away, or makes you not mind the pain, rather. But I really don't like that loopy feeling that makes me out of control. I suppose I'm too much of a control freak - suprise suprise! This is also the reason why I'll never become and alcoholic/drug abuser - I can't give up that much control!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Babe,
Good luck! Ill be sending you fast recovery vibes.
