I met with the surgeon a week after the MRI and they confirmed that I tore my ACL. Crap. Bad news. So much for holding out hope. The good news is that the other ligaments are all in good shape. I reiterated my situation regarding Mexico, and he strongly suggested that I stay for two months post op instead of one......crap again. If I'm super diligent with my rehab, maybe I'll be good to go in 6 weeks instead of 8!
More good news - there was a cancellation and my surgery is scheduled for TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 13. Yup, next Tuesday! Its outpatient, but I'm still going to go under. The thought of having an epidural and hearing the drills and jackhammers and burning flesh makes me want to pass out and barf, not neccessarily in that order.
Now that surgery is set, I've set my start date for November 15th! Whoooo Hoooo - PROGRESS! Now I have to just get all the crappy paperwork in order (it never eeeeeennnnnndddddddssssss!!!!!)
Troy found an apartment and moved out a week or so ago (mostly) - so I moved back into the house. It was wierd at first, but I've settled back in. Just me and the kitties now! The house is officially listed, and since the implemenation of the virtual tour there has been a showing or two. No real big bites. Not suprising, though. There are about 10 other homes for sale in the neighborhood, and not a whole heck of alot of good economy. So, keep your fingers crossed.....and, if your interested:
Link to Karin's House
Thats about it for now *sigh* lots of stuff!