Saturday, June 23, 2007

Karin & Pat's Wussified Triathalon

It was a fantastic morning - a cool 63 degrees, with a light drizzle. Its a perfect day for a race really. I'd much rather run in that than a hot sunny day! Pat and I biked down to the start of the event (about three miles away), got all checked in, visited with the neighbor peeps and started our 2 mile walk :) We finished just before the first 10K runner was about 32 minutes or so. I feel like I did pretty well - kept up the pace even through some mild braxton-hicks contractions and the constant feeling of me having to go pee.

Here's a picture of the fabulous finish line :)

It wasn't as big of an event as I expected, but it was a good vibe, and pretty fun. And, we were back home by 9:30AM, already feeling like we had accomplished a lot for the day. It just feels good to get out and exercise, and still have the rest of the day ahead of you, you know?

So now, all I have to do to complete my mini-wussified triathalon is to take a bath :) OK, so its not exactly swimming, but close enough, right?

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