Thursday, November 01, 2007

Purchases, Stress and Wheel of Fortune

::::::::::::::::::: Wrap A Go Go :::::::::::::::::::

Last Friday, I had a crazy rough day….just short tempered and unable to deal with a crying baby. So as soon as Pat got home from work, I took a quick jaunt to a local baby store that I’ve been meaning to visit – Be By Baby. It was there I was able to speak with the staff and try on a few different types of baby slings. I really have wanted one since Liam was born – but they are kind of pricy, and didn’t really know how to use any them. I bought one online, and it didn’t quite fit right (and no returns….criminey). I bought another one (or rather, Pat did, from Target) but it never seemed to fit Liam quite right. So, with the help of the experts, I found an amazing sling – or rather, a wrap – The Moby Wrap. I love it. Liam loves it. It makes traveling so easy!!! Here’s a cute pic of us from the Pumpkin Patch on Tuesday (more on that later)……

I also picked up a CD of Kids sing along songs by Putamayo, some cute little Baby Legs, and, Pee Pee Tee Pees – because Liam likes to pee all over us, and we’d rather he’d not.

::::::::::::::::::: Nanny/Daycare Search :::::::::::::::::::

*sigh* this has been the source of all my angst and stress for the past week. I’ve found a couple potential candidates – and they come with stellar referrals, but I told myself that I would really try to listen to my gut instinct when it came to hiring the right person – be it a nanny, home day care or whatever. It is coming to my attention though, that when it comes down to it I trust no one, which is making the decision and the process difficult. I still have a couple of interviews, so we will see how it goes from there.

The crazy thing is, even though I don’t want to leave Liam with anyone – I can’t bear the thought of staying home full time either – not that we could afford it if I wanted to……

::::::::::::::::::: Wheel of Fortune :::::::::::::::::::

Even though we missed seeing the Wheel Mobile on Saturday, we decided to head there on Monday just to see what all the fuss was about (and to see if we could make it big on the big wheel). Liam came with, and did so well! He made one little fuss (all wrapped up in my Moby) and even took a bottle without so much as a peep! Anywho - It wasn’t very crowded, especially compared to the amount of people the camera’s showed on the News on Saturday evening, so it was a good choice to come on Monday. Especially since it sucked. Seriously. There were throngs of people, and all for a dumb speed round and cheesy prize packs like wheel of fortune fanny packs. Lame-o. I did get a cool pen out of the deal at least….and I don’t think I”ll be making it big on TV any time soon.

::::::::::::::::::: Pumpkin Patch :::::::::::::::::::

We headed out one warm Tuesday afternoon, hoping to score some warm apple cider, yummy doughnuts, and maybe score a few cute pictures of Liam. A big success on all accounts! Here are a couple of pics from the day. I don't have them all uploaded of Flickr yet, but check back at a later date........

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