Monday, October 17, 2005

Racing Mind.....

Ugh. Its finally catching up with me. I'm doing my best not to stress out completely, but I'm not sure how good of a job I'm doing! There are a trillion things that need to be done, and although I'm chugging through them, I always feel like I'm missing something. My mind is continually racing. In order to cope a bit, I have a pad of paper with me at all times so I can write things down as they pop in my brain. At least that way I won't feel like I'm forgetting anything! *whew* Its intense! Quite frankly, I'm beginning to feel a little crazy.
On a happier, less stressful note - we had a great time Halloween camping! Gumby was a big hit, and our Mad Scientist Lab won the Staff Prize for most creative site! It adds hardware to the awards last year which were Best Decorated and Spookiest site. I think the coolest part this year was the cow tongue we had out on the lab bench that people could actually touch. I just hope that we didn't give anyone mad cow disease or TB.
The funniest part of the whole weekend was listening intently to the end of the Michigan / Penn State game, which apparently half the campground was listening to as well. After that last 1 second play, it felt like the whole campground erupted in hoorays! It was pretty exhilarating! The other hilarious part was the amount kids dressed up as Napoleon Dynamite. There were at least five or six, most did a pretty good job with I Heart Beat Tots and Pedro for president Tshirts along with really high pants and a fuzzy wig. Pretty ingenious.
Alas, now I'm back to the real world and feverishly scrambling to get my life in order before I leave.....say some prayers that I don't loose my mind in the process!


Anonymous said...

I've been keeping up with you Karinsky....Racing Mind? I think not - more like STRONG WOMAN!!! - Connie

Karin said...

Thanks Chana :) Sometimes the only strength I have comes from knowing someone believes in me :) Muchas gracias prima!