Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The countdown begins

The wedding is in T-3 days, and most all the details are in place. Its been slightly hectic, but I'm not sweating it too much. There are things I'm worried about but can't control, like the weather, but aside from that I'm sure the day will go off without a hitch.

I doubt I'll be posting much until after Saturday - but just wanted to say hello - and that next time I post, I'll be Mrs. O'Brien! WHOO HOOOO!


Anonymous said...

I will be there in spirit! At least my dress will witness it! haha, congratulations on EVERYTHING, I am ridiculously excited that you will share an O'{insert here) name with us!!

love, janelle

Workerbiatch said...
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Anonymous said...

I wish you and Pat the best of luck! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

All my love,