Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy St Patrick's Day Weekend :)

Credits: Kit - Lucky Day by Carrie Stephens; Font - Susie's Hand

We had a great time at the various places we visited this weekend, so overall, I would say the weekend was a great success. I was hell bent on taking lots of pictures (because I was running out of scrapbook subjects) so I accomplished that as well. I love the family picture above - I think its adorable that we all coordinate with took some coordination to get everyone to sit down for a second to take it, and I think the adults (minus me) were well into a St. Patrick's Induced Buzz at this point, but it came out rather nice, I think.
Here's a couple more LO's of the Michael O'Brien family dogs:
::::::::::::::::::: HANNAH :::::::::::::::::::
Credits: Paper - Shannon Lee - Little Charmer; Alpha - Princess La La; Font - My own handwriting by September Myles
::::::::::::::::::: ZEUS :::::::::::::::::::

Credits: Paper - Shannon Lee - Little Charmer; Alpha - Shannon Lee - Corduroy; Font - My own handwriting by September Myles

::::::::::::::::::: OOPSIE :::::::::::::::::::

I promised an announcement Friday, but it will have to wait a few more days until I get things prepared :) So sit tight!

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