The wedding is in T-3 days, and most all the details are in place. Its been slightly hectic, but I'm not sweating it too much. There are things I'm worried about but can't control, like the weather, but aside from that I'm sure the day will go off without a hitch.
I doubt I'll be posting much until after Saturday - but just wanted to say hello - and that next time I post, I'll be Mrs. O'Brien! WHOO HOOOO!
Peek into the scatterbrained mind of one Chicago mom as she jots her experiences and thoughts as they pop into her head.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Spring has Sprung!
Ahhh - Spring is officially here! Its even thunderstorming outside (which I'll take over a blizzard ANY day!). It's warm temperatures! It's renewal! It's life! This makes it a perfect time for Pat and I to announce....

Yes, ladies and germs - I am pregnant! We were going to wait until after the wedding to announce it......I mean, come on people - shouldn't we limit ourselves to one life changing experience at a time? But, really, where's the fun in that!! I'm doing fabulously, baby blob (because that's what it looks like right now) is doing wonderfully - and Daddy Pat is happy that I've been happy, healthy and had minimal mood swings and cravings :) I've been tracking the pregnancy since the beginning (before I moved from Mexico) and kept a separate record of such at a separate blog (just in case the general public doesn't want to read about how bad my boobs hurt or constipation). If you'd like to read, please feel free - just be forwarned: Once Upon a Blob
Pat and I are both sooooo looking forward to this amazing life change, and so happy for it to finally happen! Thanks for sharing in this AWESOME news - we're sooo stinkin' excited to FINALLY share the news!

Yes, ladies and germs - I am pregnant! We were going to wait until after the wedding to announce it......I mean, come on people - shouldn't we limit ourselves to one life changing experience at a time? But, really, where's the fun in that!! I'm doing fabulously, baby blob (because that's what it looks like right now) is doing wonderfully - and Daddy Pat is happy that I've been happy, healthy and had minimal mood swings and cravings :) I've been tracking the pregnancy since the beginning (before I moved from Mexico) and kept a separate record of such at a separate blog (just in case the general public doesn't want to read about how bad my boobs hurt or constipation). If you'd like to read, please feel free - just be forwarned: Once Upon a Blob
Pat and I are both sooooo looking forward to this amazing life change, and so happy for it to finally happen! Thanks for sharing in this AWESOME news - we're sooo stinkin' excited to FINALLY share the news!
City Livin'
I'm adapting to city life. Traffic, parking, walking - all such things are going pretty darn well. I guess the parking situation makes a huge difference depending on the season. I was pretty much cursing it when I first moved here due to the fact that it was FRIGID outside, and walking a block in the frigidness just wasn't that much fun. Now, that its a bit warmer, I don't mind so much.
In fact, part of city living that I'm LOVING is the fact that we live so close to the lake. We went for a 5 mile run yesterday (in preparation for the Shamrock Shuffle on Sunday) and about half of those miles were right on the Lake. I've always had an affinity for the East Shore of Lake Michigan, being that we spent many a summer vacation traipsing on its shores growing up. But, I'm finding that fondness is just as strong for the Chicago Shore too. Even yesterday, with a bit of chill in the air and wind whipping from the North - the shore was full of life. Herring gulls squawking and riding the wind. People bundled up in winter gloves and hats on the beach trying to catch the breeze with a kite, with the cold choppy waves crashing behind them. People walking dogs, playing soccer, riding bikes, running along amongst the groomed paths and still sleeping trees. All with the skyline of the city of Chicago in the background. Its just always great to see humanity enjoying the natural resources together. Something about it just makes all feel right in the world.
I'm looking forward to purchasing a bike so we can hit the lakeshore paths soon. After this 8K, I don't know how much running I'm going to want to do. I like it and all - but I think biking will be more fun.
Anyway, even with that happy city picture painted brightly in my mind, I am reminded of how afraid of the city I still am sometimes. I've never really lived in the I still have some small town girl cautiousness dwelling in the background. Things like "women shouldn't walk alone, especially at night" and "always be aware of your surroundings". I guess those are just common sense, personal safety things, but I can't always have an escort after dark when I park my car two blocks away.
The fear was recently brought back to life when a news story of a slasher was recently reported. We saw it on the news Saturday night, but with all the drunken hullabaloo in the background Pat and I couldn't really hear the story; although the footage they were showing of the neighborhood looked vaguely familiar. Turns out, it was our neighborhood - some dude was going around stabbing/slashing at random people, some in daylight, some at night. The last attack was Sunday late morning, they caught him on Monday. All day on Monday I didn't want to leave the house. It was rather creepy. I didn't like that feeling at all - it made me want to move to the suburbs where I could at least feel a bit safer - although shitty things and crazy people happen out there too.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll become used to and numbed by the kind of things that happen in the city, just like I've adapted to street parking and pushing in my side view mirror to make sure it doesn't get taken off by passing traffic. Its all part of human adapt. But I don't think I'll ever stop looking for slashers.
In fact, part of city living that I'm LOVING is the fact that we live so close to the lake. We went for a 5 mile run yesterday (in preparation for the Shamrock Shuffle on Sunday) and about half of those miles were right on the Lake. I've always had an affinity for the East Shore of Lake Michigan, being that we spent many a summer vacation traipsing on its shores growing up. But, I'm finding that fondness is just as strong for the Chicago Shore too. Even yesterday, with a bit of chill in the air and wind whipping from the North - the shore was full of life. Herring gulls squawking and riding the wind. People bundled up in winter gloves and hats on the beach trying to catch the breeze with a kite, with the cold choppy waves crashing behind them. People walking dogs, playing soccer, riding bikes, running along amongst the groomed paths and still sleeping trees. All with the skyline of the city of Chicago in the background. Its just always great to see humanity enjoying the natural resources together. Something about it just makes all feel right in the world.
I'm looking forward to purchasing a bike so we can hit the lakeshore paths soon. After this 8K, I don't know how much running I'm going to want to do. I like it and all - but I think biking will be more fun.
Anyway, even with that happy city picture painted brightly in my mind, I am reminded of how afraid of the city I still am sometimes. I've never really lived in the I still have some small town girl cautiousness dwelling in the background. Things like "women shouldn't walk alone, especially at night" and "always be aware of your surroundings". I guess those are just common sense, personal safety things, but I can't always have an escort after dark when I park my car two blocks away.
The fear was recently brought back to life when a news story of a slasher was recently reported. We saw it on the news Saturday night, but with all the drunken hullabaloo in the background Pat and I couldn't really hear the story; although the footage they were showing of the neighborhood looked vaguely familiar. Turns out, it was our neighborhood - some dude was going around stabbing/slashing at random people, some in daylight, some at night. The last attack was Sunday late morning, they caught him on Monday. All day on Monday I didn't want to leave the house. It was rather creepy. I didn't like that feeling at all - it made me want to move to the suburbs where I could at least feel a bit safer - although shitty things and crazy people happen out there too.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll become used to and numbed by the kind of things that happen in the city, just like I've adapted to street parking and pushing in my side view mirror to make sure it doesn't get taken off by passing traffic. Its all part of human adapt. But I don't think I'll ever stop looking for slashers.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Happy St Patrick's Day Weekend :)

We had a great time at the various places we visited this weekend, so overall, I would say the weekend was a great success. I was hell bent on taking lots of pictures (because I was running out of scrapbook subjects) so I accomplished that as well. I love the family picture above - I think its adorable that we all coordinate with took some coordination to get everyone to sit down for a second to take it, and I think the adults (minus me) were well into a St. Patrick's Induced Buzz at this point, but it came out rather nice, I think.
Here's a couple more LO's of the Michael O'Brien family dogs:
::::::::::::::::::: HANNAH :::::::::::::::::::

Credits: Paper - Shannon Lee - Little Charmer; Alpha - Princess La La; Font - My own handwriting by September Myles
::::::::::::::::::: ZEUS :::::::::::::::::::

Credits: Paper - Shannon Lee - Little Charmer; Alpha - Shannon Lee - Corduroy; Font - My own handwriting by September Myles
::::::::::::::::::: OOPSIE :::::::::::::::::::
I promised an announcement Friday, but it will have to wait a few more days until I get things prepared :) So sit tight!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Announncement Time :)
I may have an announcement to make on Friday - but you'll have to wait until then to find out!!!!
Oh, and if, per chance, Pat O'Brien Sr. is reading..........HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)
Not too much going on - just a lot of residual guilt for Pat not going to Vegas for the NCAA tournament, like he has for the past three years with his brother. Look, let me make this clear - I told him a ZILLION times that he should still go. I mean, its just a long weekend!!! But, he figured with the cash we were going to spend for the wedding he should just stay home.
So, that means he's stuck with me watching the first two days of the tourney. What a drag.
It won't be too bad - we've got another social weekend planned. We'll be headed to the South Side tomorrow night to hang with the Gallagher Clan - they're having a party to celebrate their new home. I don't think I've ever met so many Jimmy's and Joe's - as I have at their place. and girls with Mary FillintheBlank names. There are also going to be a lot of people with O' in their included (OK, well, not me officially yet - but Kelsey's Irish enough anyway). And, I'm pretty sure there will be some type of alcohol involved. But no meat. Because its Friday. And South Side Irish are always good Catholics.
After that we'll head to Indiana to watch the rest of the tourney this weekend with the Mike O'Brien family. That's Pat's brother, his wife Kristen & kids Shannon, Patricia and Michael :) I always like visiting there......they've always made me feel super welcome, and its just always fun. Lots of laughing and carrying on. I guess, it just feels like - FAMILY. I'm pretty sure there will also be some alcohol involved, and corned beef too.
Oh, and if, per chance, Pat O'Brien Sr. is reading..........HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)
Not too much going on - just a lot of residual guilt for Pat not going to Vegas for the NCAA tournament, like he has for the past three years with his brother. Look, let me make this clear - I told him a ZILLION times that he should still go. I mean, its just a long weekend!!! But, he figured with the cash we were going to spend for the wedding he should just stay home.
So, that means he's stuck with me watching the first two days of the tourney. What a drag.
It won't be too bad - we've got another social weekend planned. We'll be headed to the South Side tomorrow night to hang with the Gallagher Clan - they're having a party to celebrate their new home. I don't think I've ever met so many Jimmy's and Joe's - as I have at their place. and girls with Mary FillintheBlank names. There are also going to be a lot of people with O' in their included (OK, well, not me officially yet - but Kelsey's Irish enough anyway). And, I'm pretty sure there will be some type of alcohol involved. But no meat. Because its Friday. And South Side Irish are always good Catholics.
After that we'll head to Indiana to watch the rest of the tourney this weekend with the Mike O'Brien family. That's Pat's brother, his wife Kristen & kids Shannon, Patricia and Michael :) I always like visiting there......they've always made me feel super welcome, and its just always fun. Lots of laughing and carrying on. I guess, it just feels like - FAMILY. I'm pretty sure there will also be some alcohol involved, and corned beef too.
Announncement Time :)
I may have an announcement to make on Friday - but you'll have to wait until then to find out!!!!
Oh, and if, per chance, Pat O'Brien Sr. is reading..........HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)
Not too much going on - just a lot of residual guilt for Pat not going to Vegas for the NCAA tournament, like he has for the past three years with his brother. Look, let me make this clear - I told him a ZILLION times that he should still go. I mean, its just a long weekend!!! But, he figured with the cash we were going to spend for the wedding he should just stay home.
So, that means he's stuck with me watching the first two days of the tourney. What a drag.
It won't be too bad - we've got another social weekend planned. We'll be headed to the South Side tomorrow night to hang with the Gallagher Clan - they're having a party to celebrate their new home. I don't think I've ever met so many Jimmy's and Joe's - as I have at their place. and girls with Mary FillintheBlank names. There are also going to be a lot of people with O' in their included (OK, well, not me officially yet - but Kelsey's Irish enough anyway). And, I'm pretty sure there will be some type of alcohol involved. But no meat. Because its Friday. And South Side Irish are always good Catholics.
After that we'll head to Indiana to watch the rest of the tourney this weekend with the Mike O'Brien family. That's Pat's brother, his wife Kristen & kids Shannon, Patricia and Michael :) I always like visiting there......they've always made me feel super welcome, and its just always fun. Lots of laughing and carrying on. I guess, it just feels like - FAMILY. I'm pretty sure there will also be some alcohol involved, and corned beef too.
Oh, and if, per chance, Pat O'Brien Sr. is reading..........HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)
Not too much going on - just a lot of residual guilt for Pat not going to Vegas for the NCAA tournament, like he has for the past three years with his brother. Look, let me make this clear - I told him a ZILLION times that he should still go. I mean, its just a long weekend!!! But, he figured with the cash we were going to spend for the wedding he should just stay home.
So, that means he's stuck with me watching the first two days of the tourney. What a drag.
It won't be too bad - we've got another social weekend planned. We'll be headed to the South Side tomorrow night to hang with the Gallagher Clan - they're having a party to celebrate their new home. I don't think I've ever met so many Jimmy's and Joe's - as I have at their place. and girls with Mary FillintheBlank names. There are also going to be a lot of people with O' in their included (OK, well, not me officially yet - but Kelsey's Irish enough anyway). And, I'm pretty sure there will be some type of alcohol involved. But no meat. Because its Friday. And South Side Irish are always good Catholics.
After that we'll head to Indiana to watch the rest of the tourney this weekend with the Mike O'Brien family. That's Pat's brother, his wife Kristen & kids Shannon, Patricia and Michael :) I always like visiting there......they've always made me feel super welcome, and its just always fun. Lots of laughing and carrying on. I guess, it just feels like - FAMILY. I'm pretty sure there will also be some alcohol involved, and corned beef too.
Monday, March 12, 2007
ACOT Spring Fling Kit
I am sooooo in love with this LO :) I took this pic of Reno & Larkin at Christmas (Pat's Brother-In-Law and niece) - I just think its so sweet! In general, pics of Daddy's with their little girls always get me :)

Credits: Spring Fling Kit at ACOT; Photo Action - Michelle Pearson; Drop Shadows - Traci Murphy

Credits: Spring Fling Kit at ACOT; Photo Action - Michelle Pearson; Drop Shadows - Traci Murphy
Super Social Weekend
Friday night we (read: I) decided come hell or high water were going to go out and do something fun. I heard on the radio about something at the Shedd Aquarium - a fundraiser or something - where you could purchase $55 tickets, and eat local restaurant specialties and enjoy the open beer & wine bar from 8 - 12PM. So I bought tickets - thinking it would be cool to check out the fishies and the people hanging out at Shedd. It was an interesting night! I think both Pat and I were expecting an older crowd - you know the type: Benefactors who donate shit piles of money to support public institutions. Basically, blue haired types.
Boy, were we wrong!
Walking in, right around 8PM, there weren't many people there yet - so we had our choice of food and empty bars to visit. Chips and guac from Chipolte, beef tartar from The Firehouse Grill, and a Giant Chocolate Fountain from The Melting Pot. I highly recomend dipping rice krispie treats in chocolate, if you ever have the chance. There were other food stuffs there - but I can't remember them now. I do remember eating something with truffles in it. Very strange.
There were a few younger peeps there, I would place them around late 20's / early 30's. There was a DJ, and overall the atmosphere was pretty darn cool. About two hours after we arrived, it really started picking up, and we felt like we were in a Club. Club Shedd - to be exact! There were a lot of hip yuppy types mingling and hangin' out - we guesstimated about 500 people or was like they were going to get all hammered at Shedd, then head out to the bars and clubs downtown. Lets just say, although the event description said "casual" attire, the people around us made us feel horribly frumpy and underdressed - because Chaz was all decked out in his jeans and fitted blazer, and Trixie and Buffy had were sporting little strapless tunic tops and mid calf 80's style leggings.
It was cool - definitely fun to people watch - but totally NOT what we were expecting!
Saturday we moved most of our boxes and other stuff into storage, so we have a semi-normal condo! There are still a lot of things that need to be organized and put away, but for the most part, the house looks good! In the evening we met up with some friends at a joint called "Five for Five" or something like that, where everything on the food menu was five bucks. We didn't stay out too late, because Pat's buddy Jared was all gimpy on crutches - it was his first time out since he broke his leg. That was fine by me because I was ready to go when it started to get hella smokey anyway.
*whew* almost done here. Sunday, I was supposed to have a digital scrapbook crop in Naperville, but it was cancelled :( Bummer dude. But we had a very full and productive day anyway. We went for a run in the morning (absolutley GORGEOUS outside!!!) and then we met downtown with my good friend Maria, her boyfriend Solomon and her neice Gaby at Dick's Last Resort for brunch. Its not a super fancy place, but the buffet is only $19.99 - compared to some of the hotel brunches which can push $50 a plate! They always have live music - a Beatles cover band (a pretty good one, I might add), the people are friendly and the food is yummy, so it makes for a good place. They also have a Bloody Mary bar, so Pat partook in that (and made it wayyyy too spicy!). Its always nice to hang out with friends :)
After our brunch, we headed home and spent the afternoon cleaning our brains out - since there weren't any boxes in the way, we could actually clean well. Good thing, too - because it was FILTHY! Probably a month since our last cleaning effort. Then I spent about two hours in the bathtub. Now that I have my magazine and cup holder, I could spend days in there, I tell you! I LOVE taking baths!
OK, so on the agenda today is to buy a new pair of running shoes, and then to Trader Joes to do a little shopping. Oh, and I must do work today too - but that will wait until after lunch.
Boy, were we wrong!
Walking in, right around 8PM, there weren't many people there yet - so we had our choice of food and empty bars to visit. Chips and guac from Chipolte, beef tartar from The Firehouse Grill, and a Giant Chocolate Fountain from The Melting Pot. I highly recomend dipping rice krispie treats in chocolate, if you ever have the chance. There were other food stuffs there - but I can't remember them now. I do remember eating something with truffles in it. Very strange.
There were a few younger peeps there, I would place them around late 20's / early 30's. There was a DJ, and overall the atmosphere was pretty darn cool. About two hours after we arrived, it really started picking up, and we felt like we were in a Club. Club Shedd - to be exact! There were a lot of hip yuppy types mingling and hangin' out - we guesstimated about 500 people or was like they were going to get all hammered at Shedd, then head out to the bars and clubs downtown. Lets just say, although the event description said "casual" attire, the people around us made us feel horribly frumpy and underdressed - because Chaz was all decked out in his jeans and fitted blazer, and Trixie and Buffy had were sporting little strapless tunic tops and mid calf 80's style leggings.
It was cool - definitely fun to people watch - but totally NOT what we were expecting!
Saturday we moved most of our boxes and other stuff into storage, so we have a semi-normal condo! There are still a lot of things that need to be organized and put away, but for the most part, the house looks good! In the evening we met up with some friends at a joint called "Five for Five" or something like that, where everything on the food menu was five bucks. We didn't stay out too late, because Pat's buddy Jared was all gimpy on crutches - it was his first time out since he broke his leg. That was fine by me because I was ready to go when it started to get hella smokey anyway.
*whew* almost done here. Sunday, I was supposed to have a digital scrapbook crop in Naperville, but it was cancelled :( Bummer dude. But we had a very full and productive day anyway. We went for a run in the morning (absolutley GORGEOUS outside!!!) and then we met downtown with my good friend Maria, her boyfriend Solomon and her neice Gaby at Dick's Last Resort for brunch. Its not a super fancy place, but the buffet is only $19.99 - compared to some of the hotel brunches which can push $50 a plate! They always have live music - a Beatles cover band (a pretty good one, I might add), the people are friendly and the food is yummy, so it makes for a good place. They also have a Bloody Mary bar, so Pat partook in that (and made it wayyyy too spicy!). Its always nice to hang out with friends :)
After our brunch, we headed home and spent the afternoon cleaning our brains out - since there weren't any boxes in the way, we could actually clean well. Good thing, too - because it was FILTHY! Probably a month since our last cleaning effort. Then I spent about two hours in the bathtub. Now that I have my magazine and cup holder, I could spend days in there, I tell you! I LOVE taking baths!
OK, so on the agenda today is to buy a new pair of running shoes, and then to Trader Joes to do a little shopping. Oh, and I must do work today too - but that will wait until after lunch.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Sweet Dude
I think I've found my scrappin Mojo :)
Here are my two latest creations.
Journaling Reads:
Yes, maybe I'm biased. Because I'm in love. I thought maybe it would wear off - that the "Holy Cow I'm marrying Pat O'Brien" feeling would go away.....that finally he would come down off that pedestal I put him on....and then maybe I wouldn't think he was so handsome.
But it hasn't. As a matter of fact, the more I learn about him, the more comfortable I get with him, the more incredibly sexy he gets. Seriously, I think he is the MOST handsome man in the universe!!!! And never more delicious than he is here - laying on the bed in his cool pants, a fab t-shirt, watching TV. *sigh* He is sooo dreamy! I'm so lucky he's mine!
Paper & Elements - Amber Clegg Tranquility; Folded Corner Action - Katie Fredricks; Font - The Blue Cabin, Scriptina

Thalia 2002
Paper - Jen Wilson Summer Travels Rain Forest; Brushes - Jen Wilson Brushed Messy Edges; Word art & Swirl - Amber Clegg - Tranquility Kit; Font - Edwardian Script
Here are my two latest creations.
Journaling Reads:
Yes, maybe I'm biased. Because I'm in love. I thought maybe it would wear off - that the "Holy Cow I'm marrying Pat O'Brien" feeling would go away.....that finally he would come down off that pedestal I put him on....and then maybe I wouldn't think he was so handsome.
But it hasn't. As a matter of fact, the more I learn about him, the more comfortable I get with him, the more incredibly sexy he gets. Seriously, I think he is the MOST handsome man in the universe!!!! And never more delicious than he is here - laying on the bed in his cool pants, a fab t-shirt, watching TV. *sigh* He is sooo dreamy! I'm so lucky he's mine!
Paper & Elements - Amber Clegg Tranquility; Folded Corner Action - Katie Fredricks; Font - The Blue Cabin, Scriptina

Thalia 2002
Paper - Jen Wilson Summer Travels Rain Forest; Brushes - Jen Wilson Brushed Messy Edges; Word art & Swirl - Amber Clegg - Tranquility Kit; Font - Edwardian Script

Monday, March 05, 2007
Falling in Love
We were driving home from a Friday afternoon movie (we went to see Wild Hogs - a good show!). Nothing special - the radio on, trying to defrost a bit from the chill of the night. We were waiting at a stop light, and I looked over at him - he was just looking at the opposing traffic - waiting. And it happened.
I fell in love with him again.
My heart just swelled. This man. This amazing, incredibly handsome, wonderful man. This man that has brought so much joy and happiness back into my life. This man, with whom I am finally complete. Who I am about to start a new beginning with. This man, who I am so lucky to have.
It caught me off guard, but I suppose in a way I've been waiting for that feeling to hit me....but with the stress of moving, learning to live with each other and him traveling so much (etc. etc.) we still hadn't quite found our stride. But that night felt so normal. So nice. So RIGHT. I guess I've been waiting for that feeling to confirm with my heart the decision that my mind told me was the right thing to do in my life. And that feeling was it.
Its amazing really. After so long of feeling lost and unhappy with life, things are just falling into place. I find myself rubbing my cheeks during the day because they are a bit sore from smiling so much. Much more often than I am used to! I am regularly laughing - not just things he does or says.......but also just at random small things that make up life. Amidst the chaos off all my things being strewn about the house, wedding details that are yet undone (three weeks before the wedding), the unfinished things in our home, the loose ends I have yet to tie up from Mexico......things that normally make me a HUGE giant stressball - I'm not really letting them weigh on my shoulders right now.
I'm just happy. And that is such a very nice place to be.
Friday, March 02, 2007
I feel like I'm somewhat settled in now :) Yippie!
My vehicle was delivered safe and sound yesterday :) Its nice, but a bit naked. I have to fill it with stuff to make it feel lived in.
Our house is still a mess - a livable mess, but a mess nonetheless. I don't think its going to get UnMessed until we purchase a storage unit and move stuff into there. Then, maybe it will be not messy. Until then, I'm choosing to ignore the boxes and stuff that doesn't have a home strewn about the place. I just can't get stressed out about it anymore.
Not much on tap for this weekend - Pat will be doing some taxes, I'll be designing wedding invites. Probably attempting to make my work space a bit more organized......but maybe not. I think tonight we'll be heading to see Wild Hogs....that biker movie with Travolta and the like. It looks pretty entertaining - no Oscar winner by anymeans, but funny. I'll let you know how that goes.
Speaking of wedding issues - listen to what I did. After worrying about everyone else making reservations for the hotel for the stay here in Chicago.....I totally forgot to make our own! DOH! And the cut off date for the group rate was the 28th. DOUBLE DOH! I called them back and made a reservation, but our suite was already given away, and the rate for a regular room rose about $70. TRIPLE DOH! I'm working with the sales dude, hopefully he'll be able to hook us up, but if he can't I have no one to blame but myself. (**edit** HOORAY! The dude just called back and gave us the original rate! HUZZAH for the Hilton Garden Inn!)
We also had my final dress fitting today, and picked up Pat's suit from the tailor. Also bought wedding bands yesterday from Tiffany & Co. They match :) How precious! It took me a while to get used to the idea of just a plain platinum band....but it does look classy and nice so I can't complain too much....I'm sure it will grow on me. And, although expensive, it doesn't set us back a zillion dollars either, so that is a good thing too. And its probably the only time I'll be able to get Pat to wear anything that remotely matches me. He won't even go out if we're both wearing red I guess the matching Detroit Tigers running suits are out of the question. Crap. There goes my ghetto-ness.
I need to get back into scrappiness....I suppose I've sort of lost my mo-jo in the midst of all this moving and such....but, I have creative team requirements, so I have to find it sometime.....hopefully soon! I signed up for a Chicago Digital Crop next weekend so that will give me some time to get back into it. I'm excited too - hopefully I can make some new friends!
Tis all for now - have a great weekend!
My vehicle was delivered safe and sound yesterday :) Its nice, but a bit naked. I have to fill it with stuff to make it feel lived in.
Our house is still a mess - a livable mess, but a mess nonetheless. I don't think its going to get UnMessed until we purchase a storage unit and move stuff into there. Then, maybe it will be not messy. Until then, I'm choosing to ignore the boxes and stuff that doesn't have a home strewn about the place. I just can't get stressed out about it anymore.
Not much on tap for this weekend - Pat will be doing some taxes, I'll be designing wedding invites. Probably attempting to make my work space a bit more organized......but maybe not. I think tonight we'll be heading to see Wild Hogs....that biker movie with Travolta and the like. It looks pretty entertaining - no Oscar winner by anymeans, but funny. I'll let you know how that goes.
Speaking of wedding issues - listen to what I did. After worrying about everyone else making reservations for the hotel for the stay here in Chicago.....I totally forgot to make our own! DOH! And the cut off date for the group rate was the 28th. DOUBLE DOH! I called them back and made a reservation, but our suite was already given away, and the rate for a regular room rose about $70. TRIPLE DOH! I'm working with the sales dude, hopefully he'll be able to hook us up, but if he can't I have no one to blame but myself. (**edit** HOORAY! The dude just called back and gave us the original rate! HUZZAH for the Hilton Garden Inn!)
We also had my final dress fitting today, and picked up Pat's suit from the tailor. Also bought wedding bands yesterday from Tiffany & Co. They match :) How precious! It took me a while to get used to the idea of just a plain platinum band....but it does look classy and nice so I can't complain too much....I'm sure it will grow on me. And, although expensive, it doesn't set us back a zillion dollars either, so that is a good thing too. And its probably the only time I'll be able to get Pat to wear anything that remotely matches me. He won't even go out if we're both wearing red I guess the matching Detroit Tigers running suits are out of the question. Crap. There goes my ghetto-ness.
I need to get back into scrappiness....I suppose I've sort of lost my mo-jo in the midst of all this moving and such....but, I have creative team requirements, so I have to find it sometime.....hopefully soon! I signed up for a Chicago Digital Crop next weekend so that will give me some time to get back into it. I'm excited too - hopefully I can make some new friends!
Tis all for now - have a great weekend!
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