The weekend passed well, with mucho mucho action! We went shopping on Saturday, and then attended our holiday party. I didn't win a TV, but I did score a new Sony DVD player, so that worked out OK. Keith managed to make out by scoring a new God Father, and he also learned the term "Tequila por favor. Derecho." which means straight in a little brandy glass with no chaser. He should have learned his lesson when we were out in Mexico City - but alas, no, he did not, and suffered horribly as I heard him hurling through my thick concrete walls.
This morning, he didn't get up with me to go to visit the family of our friend Veronica, and her friend (now ours too) Consuelo. They are two very fun women! I had a great time today, because I love meeting new people, espeically if they like me and want to adopt me as a surrogate child, and esecially if free food and beer is involved. Thats not my problem at all. I have come to find that I am a true American, and I only like to visit people for a couple hours. Mexicans like to visit for HOURS AND HOURS ON END! We got to her brothers house for the little fiesta at eleven, and finally left at 7!!! It would have been more enjoyable had I not had a tiny "cruda" or hangover from the night before. I managed to put down three beers with lunch (Carnitas, mole, arroz, y consumme) but Vero and Chelo put down five more aftelr I was done. I was so ready to leave by 3pm.
On a side note I had no idea there were a million different "breeds" of fighting roosters. Vero's brother Roberto was big into them! He had about 30 of them at his shop (he's in the truck transportation business, the party was at his shop - it was ginormous!). They were each in individual, very spacious corrals, and apparantly they are entitled to congugal visits because they had a few girl chickens in thier own spaces too. Naturally the boys were all separated. Now, I have never been a big fan of animal fighting (racing, yes, fighting, no), but apparantly its quite a site to be seen. So, Keith and I are officially invited to the biggest cock fighting event of the year in March to watch his birds have it out. I will say this, these animals are INCREDIBLE looking! Colorful, grandious, amazing birds! I will post some pics when I get a chance.
Anyway, it was 8:30pm by time I got home, and I was relieved to see that Keith was still alive, watching the bonus features of the Cinderella DVD Pat O'Brien bought me :) I'm ready to hit the sack. Its hard work being around all those people for so long....all I really wanted to do was go home and cuddle up with my cats and read a book. I cherish my alone time. Although part of the experience of being an expatriate is trying to adapt to different cultures, so I will try my best to not be a loner. Its going to be a consentrated effort, though.
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