I've also got a notepad and pen bedside so if I do have a great idea I can jot it down and revisit it in the morning....that way I can let it go at night. That seemed to work OK. Also, practicing some yoga / deep breathing / meditation / relaxation techniques seem to help as well....but I don't have very good control over my mind yet, so it still tends to wander. Of course, if all else fails at 2AM is quickly approaching, I can always wake Pat up to get it on ;o) He's always happy to help cure insomnia that way (sorry Mom - it had to be said).
So what does my mind race about? Mostly the photography business - I've got so many ideas, so many things to do....and yet throughout the course of the day they don't seem to get done. Either because I'm chasing Liam, or because I get stuck in the never ending rut of Facebook (that site is like Crack to me).
Side note: Liam, Pat & I went to the dentist yesterday to get some cleanin' done. Looks like I may have the beginnings of my very first cavity. I have to make an appoinment to get it taken care of in the next couple of months....but just thinking of it makes me want to pass out. I get so anxious about stuff like that. I should be thankful I've gone 31 years avoiding the drill....but instead I'm panicked about getting a filling! Will someone come and hold my hand??
OK - things that are important to do this week:
- Get brows waxed (they are OUT of control)
- Movie night with the Momfia crew (yay! I need my girlz!)
- More photo editing :)
- Dessert night with the Thursday Playgroup ladies!
- Get some sleep!
- Start / finish book 3 of the Twilight Series (thank you, Jamie, for hooking me on this...)
- Change my blogwear....its way past Christmas now.....
- Blog about the idea I had last night, then forgot about, then remembered because I wrote it down, but then forgot again and can't write about it because its all the way in the bedroom.
*phew*. OK, I think I'll get off the computer now.....just as soon as I check my facebook newsfeed....
Haha, your brows are "out of control" like Nikki said yours were in high school. I think big brows are JUST FINE.
And as for Book 3 . . . it is about 30 1/2 times better than book 2, so you have something to look forward to.
I promise you, meditation does get easier the more you practice it! Also, I found if I do it first thing in the morning but, before I get out of bed I can get to sleep at night a little easier (I'm a bit o' the insomniac, too!)
Also, a book that my meditation teacher had us read was Mindfulness In Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana. It was a huge, HUGE help! I know it's hard to read with kids, but it's a pretty small book (about 190 or so pages)
Hope that helps, Karin!
(And I hope you start getting your rest soon!) :D
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