Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Happy Birthday to me! At around 7:00AM on the morning of December 12, 1977, I was born unto this earth a naked child, helpless and unable to care for myself. Now, 29 years later, I am still naked in some senses (aren't we all naked underneath our clothes?), but I am no longer a helpless little child. I have been very fortunate to keep within my heart and soul a child-like wonder; an ability to to find joy in seemingly insignificant things and events; and an ability to love with all my heart. Now I am strong....and not only able to care for myself but also able to use my determination to chase my dreams, and achieve them - regardless of obstacles thrown, or grown, in my way.

For that - I am proud. Proud of myself now, proud of where I've come from and what I have accomplished - and oh so proud of where I am taking myself in the future. And that, my friends, is a very good place to be! Good job Karin!

Also important for me this day, is El Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Its kind of cool, because at Midnight, every church in the Republic (practically) sets off oodles of fireworks at midnight (as they are doing right now). That might not seem like a lot of noise, but when there is a church every couple blocks it adds up! I figured I would stay up at least that late, because I remember last year I was woken up by all the hullaballo anyway. I know the fireworks are for her, but I like to pretend they are for me too. After all, us having the same day and everything, I've always had a special connection to her.......so its OK if I take some credit, right?

Here's a quick morning prayer for this very special day:

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Heart of my Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe, I unite to thy purity, thy sanctity, thy zeal and thy love, all my thoughts, words, acts, and sufferings this day, that there may be nothing in me that does not become through thee, a pleasure to Jesus, a gain to souls, and an act of reparation for the offenses against thy Heart.



Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Karin! You are now damn near 30.

Unknown said...

estas son las mananitas...
feliz cumpleanos!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Karin!!
We'll celebrate soon!