Friday, September 12, 2008

Great Night, Good Day!

Last night, I got over my fear of hosting a party in our condo by having our Bi-monthly Momfia Mom's Night Out at our joint last went smashingly!!! I was so nervous throughout the day - I even gave myself a stomachache.....but geez, it was nothing to worry about. I think there is always some inherent fear for me - being accepted, being wanted, being "a cool kid", being good enough....sometimes I let that fear get the best of me, but alas, I did OK.

It was a recipe exchange, so everyone brought a dish, so we ate very, very well, and I only had to supply wine. I didn't even really mind that our place was so tiny. The 9 of us fit just well :) And, Pat and I will eat like kings for the next few days :)

I got to bed at around 1AM, but Liam slept in until 8AM this morning!!! Really, he was quite pleasant all stinkin' day! Not that he's not a happy baby normally......he is, but lately he's been kind of a pissant. I think he's getting his 1st molars in.....but I digress.

Today, he was just the happiest, sweetest, snuggliest kid :) Just made me happy to be his mama. Everything he did totally made me laugh....we played pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo, and I taught him how to bite a piece of an apple. He's not very good at biting pieces of food off yet. He pretty much shoves all his food in his mouth at once...chewing optional. This isn't a very good method of eating for a mother that has SEVERE choking paranoia. I realize he will get better at this skill eventually, but until then, I guess I'll be paranoid.

When I put him to bed this evening, he was all snuggly wuggly in my arms. We won't have very much time left bottle feeding. I think we're supposed to cut that out around one year. Truth be told I can't wait. I'm pretty sick of washing bottles and worrying about BPA.

I'm coming to grips with the fact that he'll be one. A friend said "Babies are a great way to start out as humans, but growing up is pretty cool too". I completely agree - every new skill Liam shows off makes me the proudest happiest mom in the world.....and I can't wait to see what he has in store for us next!

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