Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today we had a lovely playgroup at Kate, Josie & Nico's home in Wicker Park. Good times - good peeps - and wonderful chocolate chip cookies. It would have been perfect, had it not been for Liam's SUPREMO whiney-ness. Seriously - it was annoying. He is totally a mamma's boy, that I will not dispute. And honestly, most times its kind of cute. I definitely don't mind being the center of his world. But today he could not be more than one foot away from me without crying / whining / whimpering. If I did sneak away for a second while he was distracted by a toy, he would turn, look for me and start CRY-ING. My playgroup mamas know by now to just pick him up and to go look for me, because there is nothing else he wants. I mean, come ON - am I not allowed to go away for two seconds to get a cup of coffee?? ReallY??? It is EXHAUSTING dealing with that sometimes.

Especially since the playgroup is supposed to be a time for him to interact and be social, not to mention a time for me to hang out with super cool chicks. But noisy situations, lots of people, just isn't his gig. He didn't want to share his goldfish, didn't want to be touched by any of the other kids, didn't want to share any toys....NOTHING. He was fine if I took him away from the group to play quietly.......Maybe he's just anti-social??? Any ideas??? HELP!!!


Kelly O'Donnell said...

Hi Karin! Tess goes through this too occasionally, and I always realize once we are OUT of the stage that she was either getting sick or getting a tooth. She is SUPER clingy during those weeks. then she gets back to normal. Maybe it's one of those things?

Karin said...

Hi Kelly!! You know, it definitely could be either / both of those things....he is getting 3 molars (one is already popped through) and has been a bit ill.....your post gives me hope though!!! This too shall pass :)

Anonymous said...

I'm still like that . . .

<3 jelly

Kate said...

Awe. He was fun, just tired and probably not feeling well with those teeth coming in. Hang in there. He just needed his mommy and some quiet time. I hope the teeth come through quickly and without so much pain. Good luck to the little guy! and you!