Sunday, May 28, 2006


I was finally voted off the scrapbooking island this week. Pretty bummed out, but not that suprised! There was way to much crazy talent out there. So, I'm over it. And, I managed to make a few more pages this weekend. One 12x12 layout of some pics of Samson that Troy sent me, and also a two page 12x12 layout of the trip to the butterfly sanctuary when Pat O'Brien and Eunice were here.

I might not be the ultimate digiscrapper, but I still do a pretty darn good job.

paper - jen wilson rain shower, photo corner - jen wilson potter shed, ribbon & bow - anita stergiou COF, stitches - melany violette glitter madness, paper clip - shabby princess urban kiwi, love tag (really really low opacity) - trish jones - COF, tear - atomic cupcake, font - hurricane, batik -, taple, tag, cardboard - gina cabrera bookbag school essentials

paper - jen wilson signature 01, elements jen wilson urban bohemian

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