Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Ultimate DigiScrapper - Week 2

Since I leave for Chicago on Wednesday, and I am definitely NOT taking my computer with me, I had to finish my challenge early. I actually meant to start it tonight, then finish it tomorrow, but I figured what the heck - just finish it off and send it in. So, here it is.

Week 2 Submission - Click Here!

You may recall the journalling from a similar post I had here in April 2005. Its pretty much the same, just edited to fit onto the page.....it was a tough challenge, but I ended up getting a couple decent shots of me (after lots of photoshoping, anyway) using my timer, and I thought the journaling fit me pretty well perfectly. I hope you all like it!

OK, time for sleepy now.......its pretty late.


Anonymous said...

I Learned something - LO means "Lay Out"? Karinsky - I knew you were the Shi-ozz, but WOW!!! - Chana

Anonymous said...

You are seriously so creative. I can't wait till my Graduation just so you will be able to make MY scrapbook-thingy. You're my favorite! :-)
