Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Faith Hill & Almonds

Not necessarily related, just two things that have been on my mind lately. I love almonds - always have. They make me itch sometimes if I eat too much, but they are the perfect snack - I always have some on hand, and even if i am STARVING I can eat about 8 and it will hold me over and take the growlies away until I can get some real food. And, apparently they are chock full of vities and omega 3 stuffs - so that is good for me! Definitely better than snacking on chocolate!

Faith Hill has always been a favorite singer of mine - she's one of those people who appears to have the perfect life, fabulous hubby, beautiful kids, great career - and is just darn gorgeous! Sometimes, people like that would get on my nerves - but she always seemed, I don't know, I guess down to earth maybe....not like I know her or anything. But somehow, despite all she has, is impossible for me to dislike.

Anyway, so I have tons of her CD's and for the past couple days I've been listening to them over and over. Its been a while, really. When you have 4000 songs to choose from - its tough to choose! The other day I had it on shuffle, and I cam across one of her songs. Thats what started it all - I decided to put in on shuffle just in her CD's. I really like her latest, Fireflies - and in general she has a couple of songs that are kind of lullaby-ish, that I plan on learning so I can sing to my future babies...but really her whole collection is nice to listen to.

Maybe I like her so much because I have great memories tied to one of her songs - This Kiss.....I was living in Kalamazoo for a summer long long ago (1998? Maybe?) and Danica came out to visit me - we drove up near Grand Rapids to the B93 Birthday Bash to see some up and coming country acts for the day. I remember us driving up M131 in her Blue Cavalier Convertable (white top, of course!) - top down - both of us belting out the lyrics - words lost in the wind. I think we both burned our legs from the drive there and back......when I think about that memory it pretty much is the epitomy of college years - freedom, no responsiblity - nothing mattered but the wind in our hair and the music around us. I took pictures from that day, I have them somewhere - I've got to dig those out so I can scan them and scrap them.....

Also, maybe later that year, we went with her brother Dirk and a few of his friends to the George Strait Chevy Truck Nokia Country Music Fest sponsored by Bud Light.....Tim McGraw & Faith Hill had a set - and Faith sang "This Kiss" and once again we were singning together at the top of our lungs. Not just that song though - the whole day was a blast. Great memories :) *sigh* I've been missing her a lot lately - I don't think I've seen her in almost a year.

Maybe Faith Hill singing takes me back to those times - or maybe she's just a great singer and I should leave it at that - either way, its been nice to rediscover her again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss you too Karin. Those were good times - hard to beat a country music fest with a great friend!
