Sunday, September 03, 2006

Random Musings……

First off –

Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts

To my little itty bitty should still be a baby sister KARLI! It’s hard to believe she’s a SERIOUS hard core teenager. And I must say she’s doing a much better job of it than I did at her age. I think about that same time in my life my mom was throwing frying pans at my head for sneaking out at night…..I’m pretty sure Karli won’t have those same issues.

So, in honor of her I created this FABULOUS fun layout with stuff from my new CT chick, Shannon Lee.
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Everything from Shannon Lee Designs; Papers - Afternoon Delight; Stitching, flower gem - Celebrate Me!; Other elements - Crochet Lace 1, Canvas Tag - Girl, Fun-N-Funky Alpha 1; Drop Shadows by Traci Murphy

This weekend was fabulous. Saturday I got up semi-early and went to the gym, went to take out some cash from the bank, then came home and scrapped my butt off all day. I got most of my sports pics from high school done. Yes, that’s right, I did REAL paper scrapping. Nothing too fancy, just papers, pens and straight scissors. It came out pretty nice, but they’re not fancy enough to scan in and such.

When I was at the gym I saw my friend Rocio, from Peru, who is married to the Cheese Head Tom (I say cheese head with the greatest amount of affection – I love people from Wisconsin). She invited me to go with them to Mexico City to see the Bodies Revealed exhibit…..except here it’s called El Cuerpo Humano. I figured it might be kinda creepy and gross, but I actually enjoyed myself. It was interesting and educational. My favorite part was the interior relief of our circulatory system. TOO cool! I recommend it to one and all, all ages and such. Incidentally, I also saw my first uncircumcised (albeit polymer preserved) penis. Hey, you learn something new everyday, right?

About said money taking out trip – I took out $1500 pesos, which basically has to last me until next pay day (the 15th). Two $500 peso bills, two $200, and one $100. I checked my cash, stuck it in my wallet, came home and DID NOT LEAVE for the rest of the day. Cleaning lady Matilde came in Sunday morning about an hour before I got out of bed….and before I left with Tom and Rocio I went to pay her…..but mysteriously there was a $500 bill missing. Seriously, I think she took it. I think she’s stealing from me.

It’s not the first time something has gone missing. The first couple of times I chalked it up to my scatterbrained ness – I’d like to believe that inherently all people are good and wouldn’t do that. But, after a few times, it kind of shows a pattern, and I think I might have to fire her. I’m going to be subtle about it because she also works in the kitchen at our office, and also for another family I work with……I think she’s doing it because I’m American, and she thinks I’m rolling in the dough. PPpttth. If she only knew.

I don’t think I’ll hire a new person either. I’m 6 months out, and it’s probably a good idea to get back into the swing of cleaning. And if I don’t – its only 6 months and this place can’t possibly get that dirty.

As per my pal Beth’s instructions, I downloaded “The Last Kiss” soundtrack from iTunes. Now, usually I don’t go spending $10 just because someone says so…..but, there were three good reasons for doing so sight unseen – Beth’s taste in music is usually dead on, I loved the Garden State Soundtrack and I LOVE ZACH BRAFF. Huge fan. He’s not only hilarious, but a fantastic director and unusually attractive. Listening to it right now, and must say, its definitely NOT disappointing!

So, I will leave you with another layout I completed tonight of the ONLY picture I have with Kyle and I. Or the only photo I have where he doesn’t look like he’s trying to be a thug. Not sure if you can see my crutches or not, but it was taken last year in October.

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Everything from Shannon Lee Designs; Papers and elements - Sunshine Freebie; Black paper - Afternoon delight; Stitches - Just stitches; Font - my own handwriting by September Myles; Sketch by Jen Caputo - DST September Newsletter

Hope everyone has a FABULOUS and safe Labor Day weekend!

1 comment:

Maggie Lamarre said...

Hi Karen:It sound like you had a fab time.
Please email me privately at
Ps I saw you on the wanabeadigistar